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+7 (904) 335-55-03

Gamification in B2B

A game format that works. We develop game mechanics to properly motivate employees. We help you turn your current tasks into exciting quests that you want to complete.

We also use gamification to attract partners, increase sales and increase customers loyalty.

Индивидуальные решения для вашей проблемы

Examples of gamification

For employees

  • work tasks in the form of a quest and the division of the entire amount of work into blocks with a limited number of tasks
  • implementation of trackers, a system of statuses, points and other non-material motivation
  • corporate training and adaptation in a playful way

Sustained motivation. Employees complete tasks faster and in greater volume.

For customers

  • loyalty programs based on customer purchasing behavior
  • quests and online games with rewards for activity
  • mobile apps with motivating scenarios

Revenue growth. Gamification attracts new customers and increases the loyalty of existing ones.

Basic principles of gamification

Quick start: it's easy to get involved!

Visibility: the user immediately sees the goal and ways to achieve it

Reward: the user receives a reward for completing the goal

Motivation: the following goals with a higher reward are visible

Advantages of implementing gamification

High engagement, users are interested in completing tasks
Increases the loyalty of employees and customers
Employees close task/ticket request faster and are more willing to take on new ones
An interesting solution for detuning from competitors
The average customer receipt increases
The results are tracked at all stages, and the mechanics can be changed quickly if necessary

Find out which solution is right for you

Other IT services KaurIoT

Contract software development

Custom electronic design services

System integration

Contact us

+7 (904) 335-55-03

Office address

194100, Россия, г. Санкт-Петербург, Технопарк
, ул. Литовская, д. 10, литера А.

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